About Us

Öz Zafer Resim & Çerçeve


Engaged in the production of timber frame our founding in 1979, the manufacturer has entered the sector by establishing a firm framework. At the same time frame, produced in those years in Turkey has delivering services to customers in most provinces.

The frame; In the event tree, complete the decoration of our homes, our founder learning until the final decorating our walls with last years of experience has given all stages; In 1992, the industry, focusing on the wholesale marketing of products allows you to retrieve the current title of the company. Today in Turkey, its products to customers in 81 provinces; need their own service vehicles, delivers the best of both through other distribution channels.

Ürünlerinin büyük çoğunluğunu ithal eden firmamız kaliteli ürün ve kaliteli hizmetle, toplam kalite anlayışı çerçevesinde müşterilerine hizmet sunmaktadır. Firmamız son yıllarda verdiği isabetli kararlar doğrultusunda hızla büyümeye başlayarak başarı merdivenlerini tek tek tırmanmıştır.Kısa zaman içinde kurumsallaşma yolunda büyük adımlar atmıştır.




MISSION, our quality service and our experienced staff tutmaktır.mevcut customers the highest level of satisfaction with our products in the market, we believe that we fulfill this task in the best way.

ÖZ ZAFER RESİM & ÇERÇEVE, uploaded on this mission, business concept and quality politita Company VISION 'accepted as u, company philosophy and the organization has made changing market conditions and compatible as long as technological.

Yeniliklere açık olan firmamız ürün yelpazesini müşteri talep ve önerileri doğrultusunda sürekli yenilemektedir.